As the founder of LUOENTOYS, my name is LUOEN. My journey began with a simple yet profound belief: toys are not just companions in children's growth, but also a bridge shaping their understanding of the world. In my heart, toys have a unique power ā€“ to cultivate the next generation's respect for the environment and their sense of social responsibility.

My childhood was filled with joyful times in nature, memories that deeply influenced me. As I grew up, however, I began to witness the harsh realities of environmental degradation and social inequality. These realities unsettled me and inspired my desire to establish LUOENTOYS ā€“ a brand committed to creating environmentally friendly, educational, and charitable toys.

Environmental Responsibility

At LUOENTOYS, every toy we create is a promise of care for our planet. We meticulously select sustainable materials, such as recycled plastics and non-deforestation wood, to minimize our environmental impact during production. We hope these toys teach children to cherish resources and care for the Earth, fostering environmental awareness from a young age.


I have personally seen children around the world lose their childhood joy due to poverty, disease, or war. This has deeply moved me and instilled a sense of compassion and responsibility. Therefore, LUOENTOYS pledges to donate a portion of our profits to global children's charities, helping those in difficult situations. Each purchase is a contribution to restoring the joy of childhood for these children.

Sustainable Development

Our vision goes beyond just making toys; it's about promoting a more sustainable future through our products and actions. We believe sustainability is not just a buzzword but a concept that must be integrated into every decision and action. Our goal is to educate and practice so that children can become advocates and builders of a sustainable world in the future.

Quality and Safety

At LUOENTOYS, we hold the highest standards for the quality and safety of our toys. Our products strictly comply with international safety standards, and each toy undergoes rigorous safety testing to ensure a worry-free experience for children. We understand that every family deserves toys that are both safe and of high quality.